Terms and conditions

These terms and conditions govern the use of the NHS inform website (nhsinform.scot).

By using the website, you accept and agree to be bound by these terms and conditions in full. If you don't agree with any or all of the terms and conditions, you must not use this website.

1.1 Background

1.1.1 NHS inform is owned and operated by NHS 24 on behalf of NHS Scotland and the Scottish Government.

1.1.2 NHS 24 is a special health board in Scotland with a head office at:

Caledonia House
Fifty Pitches Road
Cardonald Park
G51 4EB

1.1.3 You can contact NHS 24 by:

1.2 Definitions

1.2.1 “Content” means all text and data delivered as part of the Locations of Care or Scottish Support Groups content.

1.2.2 “Information” has the meaning given under section 73 of the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002.

1.2.3 “Intellectual Property Rights” includes but is not limited to patents, trade marks, service marks, design rights (whether registered or otherwise), applications for any of the foregoing, copyright, software, database rights, trade, company or business names and other similar rights, or other right in the nature of intellectual property or obligations whether registerable or not in any country (including but not limited to the United Kingdom) ("IPR").

1.2.4 “NHS” means the National Health Service

1.2.5 “NHS inform website” means the website available at http://www.nhsinform.scot

1.2.6 “Commercial Purposes” means any use of content for direct or indirect financial gain

2. Copyright notice

2.1 Content on this website is Copyright (c) 2017 NHS 24

2.2 NHS 24 owns all Intellectual Property Rights in the website and in the materials published on it.

2.3 Subject to compliance with the licence terms set out in clauses 2.5 to 2.9 below, NHS 24 give permission for this material to be used for personal and non-commercial research, scientific and information purposes only.

2.4 NHS 24 give permission for the NHS inform logo to be used for advertising, marketing or press materials that refer to, or direct people to, the service. Placement and treatment of the NHS inform logo must comply with the NHS inform Brand Guidelines which are incorporated into these terms and conditions.

2.5 You may:

  • view pages from our website in a web browser
  • download pages from our website for caching in a web browser
  • download, save and share materials using our Info for Me tool
  • provide links to our materials on your website and through social media
  • print pages from our website
  • stream audio and video files from our website
  • use NHS inform for personal purposes only

2.6 You must not:

  • edit or modify any of our material unless allowed by these terms and conditions
  • cause damage to or affect the performance, availability or accessibility of the website
  • use our website in any way that is unlawful, illegal, fraudulent or harmful
  • use our website to host or disseminate any malicious computer software
  • scrape or mine data without explicit permission
  • copy, download, store or distribute material on this website without identifying NHS inform as the source
  • create or modify derivative works using material from this website.

2.7 You must ensure that any feedback in relation to this website is true, accurate and not misleading.

3. Cookies

3.1 This website uses cookies. By using this website you give consent for us to use cookies as outlined in our privacy and cookies policy.

4. Warranty

4.1 NHS 24 does not provide a warranty to the:

  • completeness or accuracy of materials published on the NHS inform website
  • currency of these materials
  • availability of this website or services provided from it

4.2 NHS inform contains links to other websites that have been assessed as authoritative, reliable and trustworthy. We're not responsible for, or have any control over, the content of these websites and don't necessarily recommend or endorse the views expressed within them.

4.3 You use this website at your own risk. To the extent permitted by law, NHS 24 excludes liability for any loss or damage caused by action or inaction as a result of you using this website.

4.4 The content of this website is for general health information purposes only. This website is not intended in any way to replace the advice of qualified health professionals. If you're concerned about your health, you should always seek help from a qualified health professional.

4.5 NHS 24 reserve the right to close, change or stop publishing to this website at any time without notice or explanation. You will not be entitled to any compensation as a result of termination or change to this website.

4.6 NHS 24 does not guarantee that the website will be secure or free from bugs or viruses.

5. Violations

5.1 If you violate, or we suspect you've violated, these terms and conditions, we reserve the right to:

  • send you formal warnings
  • suspend or permanently block your access to this website
  • take legal action against you

6. Governing law

6.1 These terms and conditions shall be construed in accordance with and governed by the laws of Scotland. All parties to this agreement agree to submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Scottish Courts.

6.2 If you believe you've been harmed by use of this website, you agree to:

  • inform NHS 24 in writing
  • give NHS 24 30 days to resolve this harm before taking any action

Last updated:
19 July 2024