
Webchat is a communication tool that connects you with our health information team in real-time.

Make the most of webchat (BSL)

We cannot respond to queries about coronavirus vaccinations or boosters or advice or support on the COVID Status app. For coronavirus vaccination and booster enquiries phone 0800 030 8013. The helpline is open from 9am to 6pm Monday to Friday, 9am to 1pm on Saturday and closed on Sunday. For COVID Status enquiries phone 0345 034 2456. The helpline is open from 10am to 6pm Monday to Friday, 10am to 1pm on Saturday and closed on Sunday.

We can only respond to queries for residents in Scotland.

We can only respond to enquiries for people currently in Scotland or regarding Scottish health services. If you feel unwell please contact your GP or the 111 service if your GP's closed.

Starting a webchat

To start a webchat:

  1. click on the "Chat now" button to launch a new chat window
  2. add a name and message
  3. click "send" to log your request

Chat to someone now


If a team member's available, we'll connect you straight away.

If all of our team are chatting, we'll place you in a queue until someone becomes available.

Sometimes none of our team are available to chat. If this is the case, we'll send you a message and ask you to try again later.

Ending a webchat

To end a webchat, click the "End chat" button to leave the chat room.

Before you close the window, you'll have the option to give feedback about your chat experience.


Any information you share through with us will be held in confidence and won't be shared with any third parties.

More about how we use and share your information

Last updated:
19 July 2024